We're so excited to announce the cast of HPR musical! Practices will take place in the afternoons and the big show is on Thursday August 9th. All campers involved in the play are welcome to attend on this Thursday regardless of their normal schedules, we need all our friends for a big day of practice! Keep checking the blog and Facebook for more announcements!
Snow White
Cast List
Sister 1: Jorja Goudreau
Sister 2: Lily Olson
Little Boy: Jack Distad
Mom: Katie Grannis
Snow White: Addie Smittkamp
Evil Queen: Lexi Oeltjen
Mirror: Amy Longtin
Queen’s Servants: Rachel Colwell, Kacey Kroeck, Ella Netland, Maddie Oeltjen, Emma Dornseif, Hannah Bruentrup, Abbie Garness
Huntsman: Jack Denton
Doc: Nathan Dirkes
Sleepy: Frankie Franta
Sneezy: Kelly Grannis
Grumpy: Marley McGuire
Bashful: Julia Enright
Happy: Ella Runyon
Dopey: Daniel Lapadat
DNR Representative: Leif Olson
Prince Charming: Dan Stone
Soldiers/Prince’s Men: Sam Elletson, John Lillie, Ethan Citsay, Thomas Meyers
Young Queen: Delaney McDowell
King: Charlie Vick
Doctor: Catherine Moore
Huntsman’s Angel: Sam Stone
Huntsman’s Devil: Mari Arndt
Warning Bird: Dani Lillie
Head Villager: Lily Olson
Evil Peddlers: Lizzie Bregel, Nate Averbeck, Sydney Stone
Young Snow White: Tara Martin
Magic Trees/Flowers:
Sydney Rodd, Gabby Olson, Grace Kleppe, Amanda Oyen, Annika Citsay, Leah Staruck, Zoe Colombo, Grace Colwell
Dwarf Villagers:
Noah Denton, Gwen Wegleitner, Hallie Vick, Emily Elletson, Cooper Olson, Wyatt Herrick, Meghan Remely, Sophia Arndt
Woodland Creatures: Axel Colombo, Sydney Rogness, Amya Davis, Nick Grannis, Nick Nelson
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