Sunday, July 29, 2012

Week Six 7/23-7/27

Hello Friends! We hope you've been enjoying the Olympics this week because we sure have! We had our own very special Galactic Olympics on Friday and had all kinds of great Olympic fun all week. At We've done the long jump, the shot-put, marathon running, hurdles, you name it and our campers did it!
It was so fun to see everyone working hard and loving every minute of it, it's possible we have a few young Olympiads on our hands! Just a reminder, we have had a lot of campers attending in flip flops which has been limiting a lot of our fun. Please send your camper to HPR with tennis shoes or sandals with straps.

We've done plenty of outdoor cooking this week as our traditional campers made popcorn over the fire at Nature Camp craft and packed and planned out meals for a imaginary Boundary Waters trip at canoeing. Our oldest campers all participated in an overnight this week, the middle school campers went to William O'Brien State Park and our LITs went to Interstate Park near Taylors Falls. Both trips were a huge success and I'm sure our campers will be talking about their experiences for years to come. Congratulations to everyone for all your hard work and preparation, we're so glad you had fun!

Our Traditional campers have another overnight this week on Thursday August 2nd to Friday August 3rd. This will be for everyone in Jake, Kirsten, Jeff, Joseph, Cady B, and Carolyn's groups, as well as the members of Cody, Rachel F, Joe B, Eric, Tori, and Elaine's groups that started camp on 7/16. If you do not normally attend camp on Thursdays you are still welcome to participate by arriving after 4:45pm on Thursday. If you do not attend on Fridays you are welcome to participate as well by leaving at 8am on Friday. It is going to be a lot of fun and we hope to see you there!

We only have two more weeks of camp, but they're going to be the best ones yet! We're starting the Penny wars for the American Cancer Society next week (Aug 6). We do our best to raise at least $1,000 each year by bringing in all our loose change. So save your pennies and dollars for positive points towards a party for the winning group and save those silver coins for negative points to slow down all the other groups. All the proceeds of our camp fun will go towards cancer research, let's have fun and work hard to help a lot of people!

HPR's production of Snow White will be on August 9th at 3pm. Everyone is invited to attend and support our talented campers. If your child is involved in the play and you'd like to help out we would love to talk to you. The biggest place to help is always costumes and props. If you have anything you'd like to donate or loan towards this production please address an email to Nick Lande, one of our camp managers and the director of Snow White, at Other questions are always welcome too!

It has been a terrific summer so far and it is only going up! We can't wait to start again on Monday! See you soon!

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